SV-PWM ====== Introduction ------------ The SV-PWM driver is the responsible to control the power stage, that is, the circuit that powers the motor. The power stage is formed by three half-bridge circuits, one for each motor phase. Each half-bridge is composed by two *switches*: :math:`\mathrm{q_i}` and :math:`\mathrm{\bar{q_i}}`, where :math:`\mathrm{i} \in \mathrm{(a, b, c)}` (:numref:`ps-schematic`). These switches are implemented using transistors (e.g. MOSFET, GaN...). .. _ps-schematic: .. figure:: images/ps-schematic.svg Schematic of the power stage *switches* As the notation suggests, the switches are by complementary PWM signals, sometimes with the insertion of dead-time. The modulation scheme implemented by the driver is known as *Space Vector PWM*, hence its name. The theoretical details of this modulation can be found at the :doc:`/theory/svpwm` page. When using shunt resistors, current sampling needs to be synchronized with the PWM generation. Because of this reason, the SV-PWM driver also takes care of current sampling synchronization. The theoretical details can be found at the :doc:`/theory/currsmp` page. API --- .. doxygengroup:: spinner_drivers_svpwm Implementations --------------- .. toctree:: :glob: impl/*